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Saturday, November 2, 2013

NaNoWriMo - Write a novel in a month!

Ready to Write a Novel?

I've won the two years I had time to participate and won another year when I participated in the former Script Frenzy competition. -See my blog's right column... Actually, to win is to complete your novel.

It's a great way to complete a literary work in a focused, disciplined, and fun-filled environment.

NaNoWriMo challenges participants to write 50,000 words of a new novel between November 1 and 30. Despite its name, it accepts entries from around the world.

Have a project in mind? Sign up and start today. NaNoWriMo website: HERE

National Novel Writing Month  -  November 1-30  •  The world needs your novel.
 Write a novel in a month!
 Track your progress.
 Get pep talks and support.
 Meet fellow writers online and in person.

More info: HERE


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