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Friday, June 24, 2011

R.I.P. Peter Falk - Columbo

R.I.P. Peter Falk - Columbo
September 16, 1927 – June 23, 2011

Throughout life we run across special characters that influence our writing endeavors in one way or another ... The Columbo character portrayed by Peter Falk is one of mine.

From his early TV shows through his later special TV movies, Columbo's ability to irritate criminals was always very enjoyable to me.
They even used his example during instruction in investigatory techniques at the correctional police academy I went through back in 1983. The techniques work ... criminals are suckers for an investigator who plays dumb and asks the correct leading questions.

R.I.P. Mr. Falk

Photgraphs - Wikimedia


Anonymous said...

Peter Falk was a favourite of mine too.

Very sad news.

Donna K. Weaver said...

He was one of a kind. He lost one of his eyes to a brain tumor. In school, one of his teachers put him in charge while she went to the office for a minute. He took out is false eye and put it on the teacher's desk and told his classmates, "I have my eye on you."

What a wonderful sense of humor.

Li said...

I used to bribe my Mom with a foot rub so I could stay up and watch Columbo. I liked him because he was messy, made mistakes, and drove a crappy car, and yet he was smart and always figured things out in the end. He was "a real guy playing a real guy" and it was (and is) refreshing. Indeed, RIP Mr. Falk.

JD Holiday said...

I loved Peter Falk! Will miss him.