Mark your
Yes, the Kindle versions of:
“The Rough Edges of the Cross: Y-MAX – Youth Maximum Security Detention Facility”
“Pensivity: Poems & Stories for Contemplation”
and… my Norwegian Christmas play (in the Norwegian language):
“En Bestemors Jul - En Fortelling om Julen” (A Grandmother’s Christmas – A Story of Christmas)
… will be GIVEN AWAY for download from
Amazon FREE for
those who enjoy the ease of eBook reading.
Use your Kindle or… if you do not have a Kindle - download the free Kindle viewer: HERE
Use your Kindle or… if you do not have a Kindle - download the free Kindle viewer: HERE
Other free Kindle reading apps: HERE
Dates of giveaway:
The Rough Edges of the Cross:
Y-MAX: Youth Maximum Security Detention Facility - HERE
December 21, 2012 - December 23, 2012 - 3 days only!
1. Free promotions will start at approximately 12:00 AM Pacific Standard Time on the date specified. Depending on system latencies, it may take a few minutes to several hours for the free promotion to start.
December 21, 2012 - December 23, 2012 - 3 days only!
1. Free promotions will start at approximately 12:00 AM Pacific Standard Time on the date specified. Depending on system latencies, it may take a few minutes to several hours for the free promotion to start.
2. Free promotions will end at approximately 11:59 PM
Pacific Standard Time on the date specified. Depending on system latencies, it
may take a few minutes to several hours for the free promotion to end.
Pensivity: Poems & Stories
for Contemplation - HERE
December 20, 2012 - December 22, 2012 - 3 days only!
December 20, 2012 - December 22, 2012 - 3 days only!
1. Free promotions will start at approximately 12:00 AM
Pacific Standard Time on the date specified. Depending on system latencies, it
may take a few minutes to several hours for the free promotion to start.
2. Free promotions will end at approximately 11:59 PM
Pacific Standard Time on the date specified. Depending on system latencies, it
may take a few minutes to several hours for the free promotion to end.
Bestemors Jul - En Fortelling om Julen - HERE
December 24, 2012 - December 25, 2012 - 2 days only!
December 24, 2012 - December 25, 2012 - 2 days only!
1. Free promotions will start at approximately 12:00 AM
Pacific Standard Time on the date specified. Depending on system latencies, it
may take a few minutes to several hours for the free promotion to start.
2. Free promotions will end at approximately 11:59 PM
Pacific Standard Time on the date specified. Depending on system latencies, it
may take a few minutes to several hours for the free promotion to end.
Or… visit my author’s page at Amazon and click
on the respective Kindle versions during the dates of this event: HERE
Christmas & Happy New Year!
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