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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Mapping a New Storyline

Quite often I find myself running wild all day with a new storyline - adding character profiles, names, quotes, scenes, and plot(s). Usually a result of some space of time that revolves around a future concept for a fiction novel I plan to work on one day.

Today’s endeavors involved a sequel to my 85,000 word adult crime fiction novel that is in rough draft form at this time.

I tend to write different lists and save them in a folder named after the future book’s title. I also search my titles to see if they already exist in one form or another and adjust accordingly.

I find that having multiple projects in the works at one time is a great deterrent to developing writer’s block. Fatigue… well, yes, sometimes one can feel overwhelmed by how much they have to complete in their literary realms of imaginative worlds to come, but... it does keep a soul going.

Your Experiences?



Creepy Query Girl said...

I try and get as much information down whenever inspiration hits but I admit a lot of my tentative outlines remain in their dark folders:)

A Literary Anthology said...

Creepy Query Girl,

Yes, I have a whole folder of books outlined and with character profiles for future writing projects. I just plotted another yesterday after doing one on Sunday, ha, ha... started the Sunday project into chapter 2. Sequel to a book coming out soon that is vol. 2 of my Rough Edges of the Cross series. At least we keep our dreams and hopes high!

A Literary Anthology said...
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