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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Nooks & Crannies

With the modernization of the literary reading realm and the proliferation of eBook reading devices, it is no small surprise that some competitors will be biting the dust over time and be going the way of the Edsel and the Corvair with their brand of eReader ending up on the dusty shelves of avid collectors (maybe?). 
With teachers of our near ancient times being required to submit book lists for approval and funding, the ability of schools to take part in this eReading world and depart from the archaic days of only paper books is fantastic. Many classrooms now possess the ability to enter the realm of the Kindle style downloadable literary world of history, fiction, classic novels, etc. in such a fast, simple and efficient way.

Barnes & Noble Weighs Its E-Reader Investment

 The company’s underperforming Nook Media division might signal that its substantial investment in its digital future has essentially run its course.

 But while tablet sales exploded over the Christmas season, Barnes & Noble was not a beneficiary. Buyers preferred Apple devices by a long mile but then went on to buy Samsung, Amazon and Google products before those of Barnes & Noble, according to market analysis by Forrester Research.

 "... even if the Nook itself was a nice device, its offerings were not as rich as that of its rivals."

He said that while the cellphone business used to have numerous competitors, it now has only two companies that are really profitable: Apple and Samsung.

He said he expected a similar consolidation in the tablet market, with companies like Barnes & Noble “maybe falling off the map.”

Read more HERE

 What do you think?

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